Monday, April 6, 2009

i'm impressed with myself.

7 (7!) mile hike yesterday in topanga canyon park. breathtaking. overlooks the entire city, from malibu to los angeles. didn't flinch once, even though it's pretty much uphill the entire time. stunning, reminded me why i live here.

my legs are barely aching today (thanks to some advil).

we're in sync.

i sent a text to the wrong person this weekend. could have been bad, but i cleaned it up quick.

Friday, April 3, 2009


yes, drew, i'm well aware of how complicated it all is. my friend mark and i were discussing this over breakfast. and it's true. you have to be careful. but... no risk, no reward. and we only have the present. so... i say dive in.

our friendship survived a break up. lucky us.

i love thunder. i wish we had more of it here.

come on, california, really?

how is iowa more progressive than california?

i'm up, i'm up, i'm up...

dinner at ivy on the shore last night, with friends, or friends of t's i should say. looooove them, though. and now they're my friends, too. love that. perks of a relationship - more friends! they came on bikes. i need to learn how to ride a bike. i half know. t thinks the fact that i was never taught borders on child abuse. i'm a little terrified of them. kind of pathetic.

also, we're thinking of maybe, possibly of going to coachella. maybe. antony is playing. would be amazing.

also, i miss coffee. like, a lot.

did you see the bruno trailer yesterday?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

you belong in l.a.

the most self congratulatory town in the world. you'd think it were paris in the 1920's.

best drew line, maybe, ever

"it was a very disturbing moment when i realized that air supply consisted of 2 men, singing"